Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to Share a DataOne Connection ?

Share a DataOne Connection between PCs or between PC.

Scenario 1. You want to share the Connection between 2 PCs.
Scenario 2. You want to share between 2 or more PCs using Hub/Switch.


Scenario 1. You want to share the Connection between 2 PCs.

There are 2 option how you may do it,

Easiest option is sbscribe to a Type IV / III modem or which called MT 841 which comes with 4 eathernet Port can computers can directly go in to it and which would act as a hub it self.

The Seocnd and more complex would be, when you dont have that 4 Post modem. so here is option 2,

What Hardware you would need ??

  • A PC with 2 LAN Cards which would ACT as Server when sharing !
  • Second PC with a LAN Card !
  • Cross over CAT 5 Cable with both end puched with RJ45 jacks. (You may buy from any Hardware store, make sure its not bigger than 50 ft)

What Software you would need ??

Just Windows XP as OS in both system !

How you do it ?? (The Software config)

The Idea is, You would connect the modem to PC 1 ( which is acting as server, but dont worry, Nothing fancy, any windows xp system would do the job with few clicks) LAN 1, connet by dialing an ADSL connection, and then connect the PC 1 with PC 2 using the CAT 5 cable and share that ADSL conection of PC 1 !

Here is how you may do it,

Connect the ADSL modem using LAN interface to your PC 1 or rather what would act as server !! Now Go to Network Connections

It should open a window which would have 2 LAN Cards, Now Right Click on LAN 1, in the menu click Properties

Now a Settings windows will appeare... here Just Check on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click properties, whcih will launch a settings window for value input, you may enter the bellow values (Like IP address, DNS address, Default Getway ETC),

IP Address - 192.168.1.xx (xx can be any number between 255 and apart from 0 and 1 though I suggest
Subnet Mask -
Default GetWay -

DNS Address -
ALT DNS Address - or

Click Ok and again click OK.

Now Click on the option Creat a New connection

Which would launch the wizered to Creat a New connection to connect to the Internet !

Now Click the Next,
Select the Option Connect to the Internet and click Next,

Now Select the Option which says, Set up my connection manually and then click next,

Now Select the Option which says, Set up my connection manually and then click next,

At the Next step, Select the option which says, Connect using a bradband connection which requires a user name and password and click next,

Give the Connection Name DataOne or what ever you may wish !! and click next

Input you DataOne user name and Password ! and click next

We are all most finish, you may check on the option to place a Shortcut icon at desktop, I suggest you do, and click finish !

Now at the Second LAN Card for the PC 1 which has the LAN 1 connected with Modem and where you have just created a connection

DataOne right now !

Again to Go to Network Connections

It should open a window which would have 2 LAN Cards, Now Right Click on LAN 2 (Not the one which has DataOne Modem in it), in the menu click Properties

Now a Settings windows will appeare... :) here Just Check on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click properties, whcih will launch a settings window for value input, you may enter the bellow values (Like IP address, DNS address, Default Getway ETC),

IP Address -
Subnet Mask -
Default GetWay -

DNS Address - Leave it blank unless you are having connectivity issues
ALT DNS Address - Leave it blank unless you are having connectivity issues

Now Right Click one the ICON DataOne at your network connetions, and go to its properties, now there at Advance TAB, turn on the Internet connection sharing, Click Apply !!

You are pretty much Done with the Setup on Computer One which would act as server !

How with Computer 2

Just Plug in the CAT 5 between Server LAN Card 2 and Second PC LAN Card,

Now at the Second PC,

Again to Go to Network Connections

It should open a window which would have 2 LAN Cards, Now Right Click on LAN 2 (Not the one which has DataOne Modem in it), in the menu click Properties

Now a Settings windows will appeare... :) here Just Check on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click properties, whcih will launch a settings window for value input, you may enter the bellow values (Like IP address, DNS address, Default Getway ETC),

IP Address - 192.168.0.xx (xx can be any number between 255 and apart from 0 and 1 though I suggest
Subnet Mask -
Default GetWay -

DNS Address -
ALT DNS Address - Leave it blank unless you are having connectivity issues

Done .

Reboot the PCs, and you should be able to access the Internet from both the PCs now when you connect using DataOne.

Now the Scenario 2. You want to share between 2 or more PCs using Hub/Switch.

What Hardware you would need ??

  • PCs with a LAN Card !
  • CAT 5 Cables with both end puched with RJ45 jacks. (You may buy from any Hardware store, make sure its not bigger than 50 ft).
  • Multiuser Connection of DataOne (Though I have seen it works with SU too, but that would be violating DataOne ToS)
  • Hub or a Switch

What Software you would need ??

Just Windows XP as OS in all systems !

How you do it ?? (The Software config)

The idea is that Modem will be configured as Allways On connection and will go in to the Hub / Switch using LAN Interface, other PCs will access it as a getway to connect to the internet using it...

Here is how you may do it,

Configure the Modem to be an Allways On connection... to do so you may need to connect the modem using LAN to a single PC 1st, then set the LAN card value to IP - and then visit the URL, now the interface may change according to the modem type, but the basic config is, go to connection settings, by default you may have up to 8 connecctions, Click any of it to setup it, as PPPoE, it will ask for ur dataone user ID and PW, enter them, Save all settings and Reboot the Modem !!

Now when you have configured the Modem as Allways on connection, plug it in to the Hub / Switch as using LAN Interface.

Now Connect all the PCs to the Hub / Switch using the Cat 5 Cables.

and set this config to all PCs,

Go to Network Connection,

Now Right Click on LAN 1, in the menu click Properties on a Settings windows will appeare... here Just Check on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then click properties, whcih will launch a settings window for value input, You may enter these Value,

IP Address - 192.168.1.xx (xx can be any number between 255 and apart from 0 and 1 and also not same as any other PC in LAN though I suggest you go on as then 22 and then 23 and so on)
Subnet Mask -
Default GetWay -

DNS Address -
ALT DNS Address -

This bellow step in optional if you need to share files as well.

Now Run this wizered in All the systems... at the Network Connection window, at your Left Hand tool bar you may find Option Set up a small or Medium Office Network !! Click it,


Which would launch a wizard to set it up,

Here Click Next, Then again Next, Now Choose the Option, called
This Computer Connects to the Internet through Residential Gateway or though another computer in my Network..

Now again Click Next Keep the Computer Name what ever you would like, Click Next,

Now Give all Computer a Same WorkGroup name like "Home"

Click Next and just turn on the File Share. Would take some time to complete the process, and then Ask you to carry out certain task, you may choose the option Just Finish the Network Wizered and Click Finish.

You are done, you may need a system Reboot, and u should be able to access the Internet without any problem in all PC.


Reboot under any case whether Scenario 1 or 2 , allways double check the IP address values are set as described !


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